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Air Source Heat Pumps, Heat Pumps, ASHP, heat pump, air source heating, renewable heating, ground source heat pump, government grant, boiler upgrade, boiler upgrade scheme, air source heating, heat pump quote

The next generation
of heating


£7,500 Government Funding Available

If you're a homeowner, you could claim £7,500 towards the cost of upgrading your heating system to an air source heat pump. 

Air source heat pump, Air Source Heat Pumps, heat pump, ASHP, heat pumps, air source heating, happy family, happy heat pump, happy customers, air source heat pump family, boiler upgrade scheme, boiler upgrade, BUS, government grant

Air source heat pumps are a low carbon technology that provide heating and hot water for your home

With a gas boiler ban coming soon for new homes, it's time to rethink the way you heat your home and water. Join the heat pump revolution today.

Air source heating - how does it work?

The easiest way of understanding how an air source heat pump works is by thinking of your refrigerator - it removes the warm air out of the fridge to keep the food inside fresh and cold.

An air source heat pump (ASHP) works exactly the same, just the other way around. Taking heat from the air outside, an ASHP brings it into your home using a tad bit of electricity to keep you warm and cosy. They work alongside your radiators and underfloor heating.

ASHP are super efficient with the ability to extract heat in temperatures as low as -22°C. They're commonly used in countries like Sweden and Scandinavia which can plummet to minus twenties during the colder months.

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Air Source Heat Pumps, ASHP, Heat pump, Air Source Heat Pump, Air source heating, Heat Pump, Vaillant,

How will it save me money?

Air source heat pumps use up to four and a half times less energy than a standard gas boiler to generate the same amount of heat. Typically, for every kWh they require to run, over 4kWh of energy is generated - making them four times more efficient than a standard gas boiler.


As you'll be tapping into clean, renewable energy - no gas also means no gas bills. 

£7,500 Government Funding

In May 2022, the UK Government introduced the 'Boiler Upgrade Scheme' which enables property owners to claim a grant that goes towards the cost of upgrading to an ASHP. 

The £7,500 grant does not need paying back and it is not means tested so you don't need to be in receipt of benefits to qualify. The purpose of the grant is to encourage homeowners across the country to ditch fossil fuels like gas and oil and switch to renewables.

Air Source Heat Pumps, Heat pump, Air Source Heat Pump, Air source heating, heat pump quote, heating, boiler upgrade scheme, boiler upgrade, government grant, £7500 grant, £5000 grant, Government voucher, renewable energy
Happy family, Air Source Heat Pumps, heat pump, Air Source Heat Pump, ASHP, heating, air source heating

Tried, tested & trusted technology

In 1855, Peter Von Rittinger created the first heat pump. With their popularity soaring over the last decade, heat pumps now boast smart features enabling you to manage your heating system anywhere using your smart device.

Installed outside of your home, heat pumps operate quietly at approximately 40 decibels which is quieter than a standard gas boiler.

Get your free home quotation today 

Book your free no-obligation home assessment today and see how much you could save with an air source heat pump. Check out some of our recent work...

Heat Pump
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